Thursday, 10 April 2014

Otitis Externa (swimmer's ear)

Summer is almost here and alot of ear problems surface around this time of year. From itchy to full blown oozing ear canals, the swimming pool is the enemy.


Otitis externa is usually caused when the skin is not fully intact, for example in the case of allergic dermatitis. This makes the skin more susceptible to fungal or bacterial infections which in turn leads to itching and pustule formation.


As with allergies, thought patterns associated with this condition are those which fall under "irritability" and inability to hear ones thoughts or others opinions without judgment. 


Our ears are an important vessel of communtication, when we fail to hear what pleases us, or continuously hear aggravating words this can manifest in the form of ear ache. 
Also, children who are bullied or teased have a tendency to develop this condition.


1. Avoid moisture.

2. If you have an infection, do not ignore it and make sure you get a culture and appropriate treatment.

3. Try to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine if you are surrounded by "aggressive" conversations. Having a peaceful state of mind can make it easier to disconnect from the impulse to get irritated on the long run.

4. Speak kindly to yourself and to those around you, our words have vibrations and one kind word can go a long way.

5. If all else fails: get to the root of it. Therapy helps in resolving communication issues or irritability.

More to come! Stay tuned!

- here's to a fabulous summer ❤

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