Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Another common medical condition in family practice is Gastritis: a condition where your gastric mucosa (the lining of your stomach) is inflamed and irritated resulting in various symptoms ranging from indigestion, heart burn, or stomach aches.

If untreated gastritis can lead to serious complications such as peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.

As I talk about the different aspects to health and wellbeing I will be structuring my blog posts to tackle the 3 main attributing factors to any medical condition: the body, the mind, and the spirit.


From a physical perspective gastritis can be caused by medications such as aspirin, a bacterial infection (H.pilori) which is a bacteria that normally resides in the stomach but starts to create symptoms when your resistances are low. Predisposing factors such as pernicious anaemia, smoking, alcohol consumption and stress have all been identified to play a role in this.


Thought patterns identified with people with recurrent gastritis include angry worry some thoughts. Angry thoughts can be directed to self or others but often  get aggravated to reach an "eating yourself up" with resentment or guilt or anger, which can lead to ulcers flaring up.  


Our stomach is where we digest food and absorb nutrients, hence when one can't "digest" circumstances or "absorb" love an energetic imbalance is created.


So if you have a stomach upset, look at the food your eating, your lifestyle habits, and make sure it's not an H.pylori infection.

And then still your mind as often as you can and try to identify the cause of anger, rage, or resentment. This can be done on your own or in conjunction with a therapist.

Once you are in communion with your body and acknowledge your emotions, it's only a matter of time before you start choosing thoughts that would bring you at ease and release the emotional blocks.

So what would it feel like to be able to digest every circumstance thrown at you with ease , and absorb the love that resides in everything around you ?

Happy digestion!

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