We all want to be healthy.
To be able to have toned abs and slender figures, to digest food fully, to carry our kids and grow old to see them prosper.
But what is health to you? is it absence of disease? or is it embracing the vitality that you were meant to have?
I have always been interested in the mind-body relationship. Ever since I started practicing medicine I noticed the close relationship between how one thinks and feels and how the body reacts to it.
This led me to explore various modalities of approaching the influence of emotional behavior and thought patterns on health. Research has shown that breathing techniques, meditations and yoga were found to have a positive impact on health , and better recovery rates after major incidents (eg. myocardial infarctions, cerebrovascular disease and other traumatic incidents) along with an overall increase quality of life. Which is ultimately the objective of achieving health.
It is indeed important to address the biological (or pathological) aspect of a disease but also as important is to look at the underlying emotional causes and discords and address them to achieve optimal health and recovery.
So my thought out to you today is the following:
What if having a healthy life wasn't just about dodging the illness bullet, but about embracing the vitality within?
And what if all it took is to think healthy thoughts and feel happy?
Wouldn't that be great?
- To healthy living!