Monday, 28 December 2015

Out with the old?

People always feel an urge to burn the past towards the end of a year, assuming that when you let go of the past you are able to create a future from a clearer perspective.

The truth is, the past shaped you to be who you are now. There is no use of burning it unless you want to say to the universe: thank you but I didn't get it. Everything that comes your way is a lesson. Welcome it: all of it. The good; the bad and the ugly.

When I first started my concept my friends wanted me to call it "flow".. Insinuating that the we can release all the discomfort in life and flow with ease.. But I insisted on calling it "ebb & flow" because the truth of the matter is.. Life will always give u a bit of this and that.. And your job is to find ease amidst the ups and downs, balance yourself and find your center.

So the old.. Wether it was good or bad was still a part of your experience.. Cherish it.. Don't dispose of it.. Having said that.. We aren't meant to hold on to the past either..

We observe it, learn from it, grow from it.. It becomes part of the soil that nourishes our tree of life.

So send a lot of love to 2015.. And thank it for all the learnings it brought your way..

Only then will you be ready for a new year.

May it be a fulfilling one.

Happy new year


Mariam Ketait